Monday, February 18, 2008

Middle class, Good or Bad?

Hey there,

Most of us are from the middle class of families. I am one of them too. I am really happy about it. Now the real discussion is about up to what level you want to consider yourself "Middle Class"?

My parents always told me "Studies is the most important thing in life. You study well you will earn money, if you don't you are a failure". Even though i was not great in studies my parents always encouraged me. Finally, out of difficulty i became an engineer. Joined a job too, now i feel i shouldn't be 'Middle class' anymore. Middle class in the way i think, in the way i dream.

Usually we are stuck with what our parents pushed, get a job -> get married -> don't take too many risks -> you will live a decent life.

I have big dreams (I cant think of small dreams, i guess i am worth more). Big dreams -> Bigger Risks. I want to go solo (Not so solo too), want to open a coffee shop. Want to serve people, want to have a concept of my own. Want to kick the IT bucket.

My middle class thinking wont allow me to "Invest" 40 L Rs on something that is really very risky (not very profitable too). Lets see if i can break the shackles. So badly want to :).

Should i kick IT run behind my dream, my passion?

Views welcome ;). I am not a great writer (What a way to plead for compliments ;) ), hope you guys can understand what i write :).


Unknown said...

hehehehehehe too funny tend to speak like this or jot a blog cos you are settled in your life unmarried...just imagine the other side of wht you wrote...
Lets take like this

If you didnt do well in ur studies, not engineer, no job then would u be able to write like this ?????

You need to run for ur passions but there is always priority...dont throw your dream off...but try to acheive it...Dont follow the principle
to acheive something you need to loose something.... its a bollywood comment...

Have your job with you get your earnings and invest on coffee shop and students or jobless when they vist ur coffee pub offer them free coffee cos your earning is cos you are in IT and share your earnings cos you have opened COFFEE PUB...

enough of it now...

Shriram said...

Yep true, but i guess i am gonna get this post off. My parents really encouraged me to do whatever i wanted, it was not always studies... I guess i got puleed into studying ;)

Swappy said...

Thats a nice choice....

If IT boom goes off....thats when the concept of "Think Different" works... and mine wud be next to yours :)

Unknown said...

I've always been a firm believer of the "Follow your Dream" Doctrine. Life would be pretty boring if you had to take the same "safe" path used by everyone, do the same boring things that every other person did. You would find more satisfaction if you were to work toward a goal that was a little out of the ordinary, something that would make your heart soar!....Ok, enough of that!

Let me break it down to you: Having a dream is FAB! So you have to break a few rules, think outside the box.....But know this: Take calculated risks, just don't jump with both your feet without realizing the consequences! Your IT job is your safety net. I wouldn't just give it up to run behind the Coffee Shop Dream. Keep the job, do this on the side. Oh, and btw, before you do that, make sure you KNOW what you are getting into! It is all very easy to say you want to start something.......But before you do, do your research! Know your competition, what the customers want....That sells!

And dude, one last thing, you are the man you are today because of your parents. I think we are very lucky to be born in middle class families coz they have the best values to impart.....

Shriram said...

I totally agree. Makes lot of sense

Santhosh said...

hey read ur blog..... well am not surprised u had told me of that dream while the shops were coming up in the garden..... I would say u can still stick to ur dream and u dont have to give up ur IT job why dont u set it up as a hobby..... yeah i know what will be ur reply.... u want to dedicate entire time .... but what still currently weekends will be the time to get information.... btw dont u think u can still get better in ur current job than asking for carrier change?

Unknown said...

You should look for satisfaction more than anything else.

Wish you luck...... I am sure you can't have a coffee shop of your own right now without working.... unless you belong to a pedigree of blue blood.

Middle class is surely not a disparaging remark

Unknown said...

same here